Author: The Strategic Coach Team
How To Build Your Own Confidence At Will
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies grow by taking risks, so confidence is an important foundation for entrepreneurial success. Protecting and cultivating your confidence is your number one responsibility as an entrepreneur because confidence is the ability that activates all other abilities.
What Is A Self-Managing Company®?
If you’re a business owner, the term “Self-Managing Company” is likely very appealing to you. But what does it mean exactly?
10 Of Our Favorite Great Leadership Quotes
The extraordinary entrepreneurs whose names we’ve committed to memory are all remarkable leaders. They had or have a clear vision of a new, different, and better future for themselves and those around them — sometimes a vision so far-reaching that it first changes their business, then their industry, and then, the entire world.
Why Obstacles Are Actually A Good Thing
Most people don’t seek out obstacles. It can be tough to get past them and daunting sometimes to even think about them. For many entrepreneurs, though, obstacles are actually a necessity. They come up whenever we set big goals and create a big vision for the future. The key is not to avoid them, but…
What Free Days are, and how to know when you need them.
If we know entrepreneurs — and we’ve coached over 18,000 of them — we’d confidently say that the majority of you are naturally driven to grow your businesses to your greatest potential. Guilty of feeling guilty? The not-so-great flipside of this exciting prospect is that you often feel guilty for taking time off. You think…
10 Of Our Favorite Growth Quotes For Entrepreneurs
To any entrepreneur, growth is as essential as breathing — essential not only to their business but to them as a person. It’s exciting, fulfilling, rewarding. In fact, as entrepreneurs, we confidently put forward that the most exciting feeling in life is having the mindset that tomorrow will be bigger and better than today. Rather…
The Alternative To “Giving Back”
The concept of “giving back”—the idea that with success comes the responsibility of returning some of your prosperity to the world—is so ubiquitous that few people even question it. Successful people, including entrepreneurs, are often made to feel a sense of guilt for their success, for achieving levels of wealth and freedom that few others…
What Is Unique Ability®?
Dan Sullivan first noticed how beautifully unique we are when hired to interview people with disabilities for a Canadian Parliamentary report. It became clear to him very quickly that the most successful people are those who have learned how to focus on and leverage their unique strengths. In other words, they build their lives around…
15 Of Our Favorite Teamwork Quotes
Imagine your dream team. What does it look like? How does it differ from the team you’re currently working with? What do you need to stop procrastinating on to turn this vision into a reality? One of the major benefits of entrepreneurship is having complete freedom to design the team you want. You get to…
What To Do If You Haven’t Achieved Your Goals
At some point in your childhood, you noticed the horizon for the first time and discovered that, no matter how far or fast you ran, it always stayed “out there.” Once you learned how this trick of perception worked, though, you probably stopped thinking about it and certainly weren’t bothered by it. So why do…