Author: The Strategic Coach Team
20 Dan Sullivan Quotes (Inspirational Tips & Insights)
For entrepreneurs, a simple quote can often provide the necessary fuel to push through and keep their business afloat when times are tough. Reading quotes from other entrepreneurs who have been through what you’re going through is a great way to learn and adapt to your current situation.
Mindset Matters: Abundance Mindset vs. Scarcity Mindset
What do nearly all successful entrepreneurs have in common? They embrace the abundance around them.
How To Grow Your Confidence Every Single Day
What is confidence? We tend to think of it as a personality trait or an emotional response, but my experience is that it isn’t as passive or reactive as that. Real confidence is a capability, and when you know how to build confidence for yourself, you can have it in endless supply.
3 Productivity Hacks Guaranteed To Increase Your Results (And Decrease Time At The Office)
There are two ways of looking at the world—through the lens of time and effort, and through the lens of results. Most people find security in the guaranteed income a job provides, and they don’t have the desire to take on the risk of owning a business.
How Is Strategic Coach Different From Other Coaching Programs?
Finding a business coach is easy. For every niche and every budget, there’s a program promising to take your personal and professional game to the next level. But what about finding the right business coach? The one that will actually deliver on those promises (and then some)?
How To Create A Future Vision Of Yourself That Always Outperforms Your Past
What’s next when you’ve achieved everything you’ve ever dreamed of?
5 Easy Steps To Achieving Goals 100% Of The Time
The goal in goal setting is always to achieve the goals we set. However, getting derailed along the journey to achievement is, sadly, more common than not. So, how do you stay on track and avoid the disappointment, self-reproach, and slumping confidence of not achieving your goals? Is it the goals you choose? Is it…
The 4 Most Popular Tools To Inspire You Into Action
There’s no one who can honestly say that they’ve never suffered from a lack of motivation.
The One Thing That Will Derail Your Rapidly Growing Business
Entrepreneurs are all about growth. You’d think, then, that rapid growth would be a path paved in gold, the ultimate reward, the dream come true. And, yes, it can be all those things.
Want A Great Company Culture? Do These 7 Things Immediately
You are the energy you put out into the world. At Strategic Coach, we believe who you attract to work with or for you says everything about your business. Your business culture is more important than ever, and it’s crucial to create an environment that draws in the right people.