Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • Tip Of The Week: Inspiration Begins With Gratitude

    The world is constantly creating enormous capability on your behalf. The trick is to be tuned in so you can see it and take advantage of it. This begins with gratitude. Without that mindset, you don’t have any awareness of your resources and opportunities. But when you have it, you suddenly appreciate—and can make use…

  • Quotable Coach: You’ll Never Be Ready Unless You Start

    Quotable Coach: You’ll Never Be Ready Unless You Start

    It’s great to do your due diligence, but the best leaders know there’s no accounting for what can happen in the “fog of war.” Being in action teaches us lessons we could never have anticipated. So you might as well get started rather than waiting until you’re completely and totally ready—because there’s no such thing.…

  • Tip Of The Week: Beyond Managing Your Time

    As an entrepreneur, you’re not rewarded for the time and effort you put in, but for your results. And every result you’ve created in your life so far started with a thinking process. So when you direct your attention through high-level strategic thinking, you immediately improve your use of time, and your actions become more…

  • Quotable Coach: You Already Have 100% Self-Discipline

    Quotable Coach: You Already Have 100% Self-Discipline

    Imagine a line that divides your habits into two kinds: One set of habits leads to 10x growth, and the other leads to no growth at all. They’re both just as hard to establish. So which do you choose? What are some current habits you’re ready to transform or commit 0% self-discipline to? Tell us…

  • Get Into Action With These Five “80% Principles”

    Get Into Action With These Five “80% Principles”

    At Strategic Coach, we don’t aim for 100%—we aim for 80%. Why do we do this? 1. There’s no such thing as 100% because we learn and grow on the first attempt, which means our “ideal” result is always changing. 2. Expecting perfection leads to paralysis, not action. 3. There’s room for great teamwork when…

  • Tip Of The Week: Take Charge Of Your Habits

    The future exists here and now in the form of the actions you take, moment to moment. If your actions aren’t consistent with your “big picture” vision, you undermine yourself and confuse others. Line up a series of small wins, though, and they’ll add up to a big result.

  • Quotable Coach: Great Aim And Determination

    You’re going to put in the time anyway, so why not play a big game? People find it much easier to move forward on the “what” and “how” when they understand the “why.”

  • Have A Winning New Year?

    Okay, it’s the new year, and you have a ton of things you want to achieve. We love that. The thing is, people can’t help but measure their achievements against perfection, and that throws them into what we call “The Gap”: the permanent distance between the ideal and the actual. Yeah, it’s permanent. As in not…

  • Tip Of The Week: Why Be Specific About Your Goals

    Our simple motto for entrepreneurial success is, “Make it up, make it real, make it recur.” The moment you make up a big vision of what you’d like to achieve, your mind goes to work on identifying the relationships, capabilities, and opportunities that will make it happen. And when you communicate that vision in terms…

  • Happy Holiday From Strategic Coach!