Author: The Strategic Coach Team
Quotable Coach: What Happens When You Put Off Making A Decision
Here’s Dan’s formula for a mess: M = O – C, or “A Mess is an Obligation without a Commitment.” Keep that in mind as you attack your pile of unfinished projects. For each one, ask yourself, “Am I honestly ever going to do this?” If not, give it to someone who can take care…
Tip Of The Week: An Easy Way To Find Inspiration
You never know where a burst of inspiration is going to come from, but it’s probably not from staring at a screen, a piece of paper, or the phone. If you’re running on fumes, take a quick break to fill up your creative and energetic fuel tanks. A random conversation, a change of scenery, or…
Quotable Coach: Anticipation Of A Difficult Situation
There are two types of suffering: short suffering and long suffering. The choice is yours. There are no benefits to procrastination.
Four Tips for Great Free Days
1. Schedule your Free Days in advance. Book these days ahead of time—or, better yet, delegate that to an assistant—and treat these days as non-negotiable. There’s always some reason not to go, yet the reasons never seem as important in retrospect. 2. Do what you want to do. If you’re doing chores and clean-ups, it’s…
Laws Of Lifetime Growth: Make Enjoyment > Effort
Enjoyment is essential for lifetime growth. Some people believe that success has to be hard earned to be real. They are highly suspicious of any gains that come as a result of enjoyment. If they earn rewards this way inadvertently, they feel guilty. If others appear to be profiting from enjoyment, they question those people’s…
Tip Of The Week: Take A Break From “Eustress”
You’ve heard of distress, but psychologists warn that we’re also worn out by “eustress”—extended periods of being “up” and “on.” If you want to stay healthy, creative, and productive, you have to give your brain and body regular breaks from every kind of stress. Plan some Free Days—even just one!—when you can just be, with…
Quotable Coach: Happiness Is A Choice
Most people think happiness is a by-product of their circumstances, beyond their control, but truly happy people don’t react to the world; they create it with a mindset that automatically seeks out the most positive interpretations, opportunities, and experiences. Moment to moment, the choice is always yours: Which would you rather experience?
Abundance Or Scarcity: Where Would You Rather Live?
This sketchnote is based on a recent 10x Talk podcast with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish called “The Abundance Neighborhood.”
Tip Of The Week: Don’t Bring Your Briefcase To The Beach
Your brain is a smart rat and will find that cheese of distraction no matter where you hide it. The only—only—way to rejuvenate your mind is to completely take away the possibility of work-related thoughts and activities for a pre-determined, non-negotiable time.
Quotable Coach: The Difference Between A Negative And Positive Experience
Whether an experience is negative or positive is really a factor of what you do with it. Transform every situation into a lesson for the future, and you’ll never regret anything in your past—in fact, you’ll be grateful for it. Entrepreneurial success springs from a vision of how something could be faster, cheaper, easier, or…