Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • Quotable Coach: The Secret To The Universe

    Quotable Coach: The Secret To The Universe

    The news media are in the Chicken Little business. Ignore the fear-mongering, because you can never be creative from a place of reaction. If you really want to future-proof yourself, start where you are, with your own talents, interests, wisdom, and relationships. No matter what’s going on around you, these will be your tools for…

  • Who’s At Coach: David Braithwaite

    My name is:  David Braithwaite I’m an entrepreneur with a specialty in: Financial Planning My company is: Citrus Financial Management Ltd. What we do is: We advise on pensions, investments, and mortgages and motivate clients to take positive action with their finances. I was born in: Tenterden, Kent, UK. I currently reside in: A small…

  • Tip Of The Week: A Sure-Fire Method To Build Abundance

    As Dan Sullivan says, “What you appreciate appreciates.” In other words, there’s nothing like gratitude to make you aware of all the valuable resources and relationships around you — and that awareness gives you a chance to nourish them and increase their value. What do you appreciate in this moment? Tell us in the comments!

  • Quotable Coach: Consumption Is Not Creativity

    Quotable Coach: Consumption Is Not Creativity

    It’s nice to have nice things and rich experiences — we’re not against that. Just don’t mistake them for an identity. The things that really distinguish you from the rest of the world came factory-installed and will always lead to your most significant and rewarding achievements.

  • Tip Of The Week: The Solution To Irritability

    The “low battery” warning on our smartphones is pretty obvious, but your brain gives you some pretty clear signals too — like irritability, fogginess, and a stubborn refusal to offer up any good ideas. Even if your inside voice shouts at you for being lazy, just stop when you’re feeling tired. Get up, go for…

  • Quotable Coach: How To Get Team Members To Step Up For You

    Quotable Coach: How To Get Team Members To Step Up For You

    It’s been proven time and again that team members respond to appreciation and opportunities much more than to financial rewards. And providing someone with a paycheck isn’t carte blanche to treat them any old way you like. When you regard your team members as unique, talented partners — guess what! That’s how they’ll show up…

  • Virtual Team Building Comes Into Its Own

    Virtual Team Building Comes Into Its Own

    We invited Adrienne Duffy, a long-time Strategic Coach associate coach and successful entrepreneur, to guest blog for us. Adrienne has a passion for helping others to grow, which shows up in her business, Big Futures Inc., where she helps entrepreneurs and their teams work together to grow their revenue exponentially. Since 1995, she has coached…

  • Tip Of The Week: How To Access Other People’s Creativity

    When you articulate your vision of how things could be bigger and better than they are now, then share that vision with the right people, you heighten and engage their emotions, their focus, and their commitment. You’re letting them know how to win the game you’re playing together — which is very important information! How…

  • Quotable Coach: What You Need To Keep Getting Better

    Quotable Coach: What You Need To Keep Getting Better

    Trying to keep things the same leads to defensiveness, depletion, and dangerous blind-spots. But if you’re the one who initiates the change, who’s always looking for new ways to learn, grow, and create, you’ll be adept at reinventing yourself and finding the opportunities in any situation that arises.

  • Tip Of The Week: How To Stay Relevant In Your Market

    As the mathematician Gödel said, you can’t truly understand a system from within it. Likewise, if you want to create innovations and breakthroughs in your business, industry, or market, you need to step back from your day-to-day activities. Give yourself the mental space to imagine possibilities without worrying about immediate application, to question your worldview…