Author: The Strategic Coach Team
Quotable Coach: Who’s The Authority In Your Field?
Nothing helps people get behind an idea more than coming up with a good name for it. You don’t even have to get there first; if you’re the one who creates a verbal bridge, a framework for thinking about something, you become the trusted go-to authority on the subject. A participant in the Strategic Coach®…
Tip Of The Week: Package Your Clients’ Ideal Future
People do things for their reasons, not for your reasons. So instead of doing what most people do—talking about yourself or trying out random designs—try this first: Have conversations with the people you already have great relationships with. Pay attention to the words and images they use to describe their ideal future. Use this valuable…
Quotable Coach: What You Give vs. What They Expect
You know what people notice at Strategic Coach®? The hand towels—they’re just lush. Yes, we could spend less on them, and they’re hardly our top priority, but it’s funny how one tiny little detail like this shapes people’s feelings about our business as a whole. They say, “This is a first-class experience.” What dash of…
Tip Of The Week: Your Front Stage Experience
Let your competitors exhaust themselves trying to be everything to everyone. Let them race to the bottom in price wars. All you need to be concerned with is how to be more and more useful to the people who’ve already proven—in the form of checks—that they appreciate what you do for them. You aren’t concerned…
Quotable Coach: Avoid “The Excellence Trap”
One of the biggest dangers for entrepreneurs is “The Excellence Trap”: Because you can do something better than others, you keep doing it, even if you don’t particularly enjoy that activity. This prevents you from doing more of what you love most, do best, and get the biggest rewards from. Unique Ability, by contrast, gives…
Tip Of The Week: How Are You Being A Hero To Others?
Most of us were taught to work on our weaknesses, but, frankly, that’s a waste of your time and talents. You’ll make your greatest contribution and reap the biggest rewards for doing what you’re passionate about for the audience you most want to be a hero to. You’re the expert at being you — so…
Quotable Coach: The Secret To The Universe
The news media are in the Chicken Little business. Ignore the fear-mongering, because you can never be creative from a place of reaction. If you really want to future-proof yourself, start where you are, with your own talents, interests, wisdom, and relationships. No matter what’s going on around you, these will be your tools for…
Who’s At Coach: David Braithwaite
My name is: David Braithwaite I’m an entrepreneur with a specialty in: Financial Planning My company is: Citrus Financial Management Ltd. What we do is: We advise on pensions, investments, and mortgages and motivate clients to take positive action with their finances. I was born in: Tenterden, Kent, UK. I currently reside in: A small…
Tip Of The Week: A Sure-Fire Method To Build Abundance
As Dan Sullivan says, “What you appreciate appreciates.” In other words, there’s nothing like gratitude to make you aware of all the valuable resources and relationships around you — and that awareness gives you a chance to nourish them and increase their value. What do you appreciate in this moment? Tell us in the comments!