Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • 4 Questions To Improve Your Communication With Anyone

    4 Questions To Improve Your Communication With Anyone

    Communication can be a tricky thing. But there’s actually a way to feel much more confident in this minefield of possible misunderstanding and irritation. We’ve zeroed in on four aspects of the communication process that are totally idiosyncratic, yet—and here lies the rub—we tend to assume that the other person is exactly like us in this…

  • Tip Of The Week: The Raw Material For Innovative Solutions

    When things are going well, we resist change—“If it ain’t broke,” and all that—but a breakdown in the existing order is an opportunity to create something simpler, better, and more relevant to the new reality. As Dan says, “Other people’s bad news is your good news”: When someone’s overwhelmed, upset, or confused by change, you…

  • Quotable Coach: How To Attract The Right Team Members

    Quotable Coach: How To Attract The Right Team Members

    At Strategic Coach, we define leadership as “providing direction.” You do this every time you set out a vision of a desirable future for others. With your team members, you don’t even have to know how they’re going to work toward that goal—in fact, that “wiggle room” allows them to supply their own creativity and…

  • Tip Of The Week: The Trick To Getting Things Done

    Waiting until you’re certain you can achieve a 100% result often leads to doing nothing at all. Plus, once you begin, you learn things that change your definition of 100%. Just aim for the first 80%, get started, and soon you’ll have something tangible to work with or hand off to someone whose abilities are…

  • Quotable Coach: The Path To Greater Productivity And Profitability

    Quotable Coach: The Path To Greater Productivity And Profitability

    Micromanagement confines a team’s output to the limits of one person’s imagination, but when you let people’s Unique Abilities® flourish, you move into the realm of unimaginable, unpredictable growth and breakthroughs. The path to exponentially greater productivity and profitability is not one of increasing control, but increasing freedom. [contentblock id=smc-ebook]

  • Tip Of The Week: A Company Full Of Leaders

    Delegate an activity that you don’t like or don’t do particularly well, and you give someone else the chance to apply their talents and take ownership of some small piece of your overall process. This new responsibility draws out their devotion and genius. Meanwhile, you get to concentrate on providing the “big picture” and doing…

  • Tip Of The Week: The Talent-Based Leadership Company

    Delegate an activity that you don’t like or don’t do particularly well, and you give someone else the chance to apply their talents and take ownership of some small piece of your overall process. This new responsibility draws out their devotion and genius. Meanwhile, you get to concentrate on providing the “big picture” and doing…

  • Quotable Coach: Put “Who” Before “What” And “How”

    Quotable Coach: Put “Who” Before “What” And “How”

    Sell your team members on your “bigger future” vision, then stand back and let them use their talents and ingenuity to get you there. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by solutions that wouldn’t have occurred to you, and you’ll start imagining even bigger things—knowing that you can provide leadership and direction without having to figure out…

  • Tip Of The Week: What To Do With Obstacles

    People count on you for your ability to create solutions where they only see problems. You can teach your team members to do this, too, by helping them recognize that every obstacle can be transformed into new and better strategies, actions, and results. Give them the freedom to strategize—and only come to you with the…

  • Quotable Coach: The First Step To Selling Your Idea

    Quotable Coach: The First Step To Selling Your Idea

    The most important sale you have to make in your business is selling yourself on it first. Why would anyone else believe in something that doesn’t work for you? Establish a vision that you can genuinely get behind and feel passionate about. Only then can you carry out the second two sales in your business:…