Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • Tip Of The Week: What To Do When Things Go Wrong

    Assigning blame really does nothing to make a situation turn out better the next time — which is why we just skip that part when we’re reviewing our experiences at Strategic Coach and go straight to the part where we learn something. So many of our entrepreneurial clients have found their biggest breakthroughs in a…

  • Quotable Coach: How To Keep From Getting Old

    Quotable Coach: How To Keep From Getting Old

    You can probably remember meeting young people who seemed old and old people who seemed young. What’s the difference? The size of their future. Current research suggests that what really makes people happy is having something to look forward to. That’s why we say to always make your future bigger than your past—it’s a recipe…

  • Tips From The Top With Rob Saik: Build Your Own Brand

    What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Everyone can pinpoint a moment when they’ve stumbled upon words of wisdom that altered their life path. Like a key opening a lock, it’s as if something just clicks, and all of a sudden, everything makes sense. Rob Saik, founder and CEO of Agri-Trend Inc. and…

  • Tip Of The Week: Say Yes, But Clean Up The Mess

    What’s a “mess”? Dan Sullivan defines it like this: M=O-C, or a Mess is Obligation minus Commitment. If you say yes to something that you don’t feel any real commitment toward, you’ve landed yourself in a mess. At some point, the “future you” is going to have to spent time and energy doing that thing…

  • Quotable Coach: Plug In And Participate

    Could there be a better time to be an entrepreneur looking for new and better ways to reach out, collaborate, and grow? With the invention of the microchip in 1959, human beings have continually been developing and expanding a global system of communication, collaboration, and innovation. For the first time in history, individuals, no matter where…

  • Technology: Multiplier Or Menace?

    We live in a technology-centric world. It’s become part of our everyday personal and business lives, our reality. For entrepreneurs, technology can be an extremely useful tool, or it can leave us feeling left behind, in The Gap, and overwhelmed. But by shifting your thinking about technology, you can simplify complexities, gain an advantage over your competition,…

  • Quotable Coach: Sometimes, You Climb A Tree

    Quotable Coach: Sometimes, You Climb A Tree

    Gary Klaben is a highly successful entrepreneur and one of our Associate Coaches, but before rejoining civilian life, he was part of a specialty branch of the U.S. Army. Out on exercises one day, his group found themselves completely lost. Comparing map and compass to the flat terrain just confused them more. So Gary asked…

  • The Spirit Of A Self-Managing Company: The Unique Ability® Team

    Imagine an organization that’s designed to bring out the very best of the unique talents, skills, and energy of everyone involved. This results-oriented company promotes inspirational ideas, has measurable goals, and encourages self-motivation and teamwork. Does this sound intriguing to you? At Strategic Coach, we strive to create a workplace where everyone does what they…

  • Tip Of The Week: Where To Find People Who Respect, Support, And Challenge You

    Some people are initially intimidated by the idea of being in a Strategic Coach workshop, imagining that the other entrepreneurs will judge them or try to steal their ideas. They quickly come to realize that everybody is there for their own personal and professional reasons, yet they’re also passionately committed to one anothers’ success. Your progress accelerates…

  • Quotable Coach: Why Pessimists Fail Twice While Optimists Leap Ahead

    Quotable Coach: Why Pessimists Fail Twice While Optimists Leap Ahead

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