Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • Quotable Coach: Your Game + Your Rules = Wins!

    Quotable Coach: Your Game + Your Rules = Wins!

    As an entrepreneur, you’ve removed yourself from the restrictions and limitations of other people’s systems. Still, it’s amazing how many of us strive to meet others’ expectations and demands – or set up rigid, impossible ideals for ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with winning along the way – and it’ll give you a lot more energy…

  • Tip Of The Week: What Others Need To Support Your Goals

    One of the biggest revelations for entrepreneurs is that moment when you realize leadership doesn’t mean telling other people what to do, or even how to do it. Instead, your biggest responsibility is to give them a vision of where you want to go. This works on so many levels. For you, personally, it’s probably…

  • Quotable Coach: Aim Beyond Passion

    Quotable Coach: Aim Beyond Passion

    It’s great for people to be involved in projects that they’re excited about and personally “into.” But when people feel that what they’re doing has meaning — has a purpose — they’ll stick with it long after the excitement fades. Purpose sparks a deep sense of motivation and commitment because the task at hand doesn’t just…

  • Use Your Ability To Transform

    Two centuries ago, French economist Jean-Baptiste Say wrote that an entrepreneur is someone who “shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.” In other words, as an entrepreneur, you transform resources in a way that makes them more valuable than they were before. These…

  • Tip Of The Week: Entrepreneurs Are Like Jack Russell Terriers

    Picture a Jack Russell terrier trapped in a house all day on its own — mischievous, smart, and bored. Something precious is going to end up broken, or with its stuffing splayed across the room. Entrepreneurs are the same — only much, much more powerful, with the funds, the imagination, and the influence to wreak a…

  • Quotable Coach: The Only Thing You Can Really Sell To Someone

    Quotable Coach: The Only Thing You Can Really Sell To Someone

    Endless amounts of time and money are spent by marketers, advertisers, and psychologists trying to figure out how to understand and influence human behavior. Perhaps we’ll never really know why people do what they do, but there’s one thing you can always bank on in every situation: People do things for their reasons, not your…

  • Tip Of The Week: The People Worth Spending Time With

    As much as we might enjoy our accomplishments, a huge part of our quality of life comes from our relationships. And one of the great side-effects of success is having the freedom to choose who you interact with day-to-day –clients and customers, suppliers, and team members. There’s a special quality to people who are part…

  • Quotable Coach: What Are Your Problems Worth?

    Quotable Coach: What Are Your Problems Worth?

    Maybe at the beginning of your career it was necessary to struggle away at problems because you just didn’t have the resources to spend on fixing them. At what point, though, do you stop? There’s a certain level of success where your time is measurably valuable – and when you weigh that against the problem…

  • Your 10-Year Plan For Freedom

    Your 10-Year Plan For Freedom

    Why did you become an entrepreneur in the first place? There was a possibility, a dream, that drove you to take that leap. If your life today isn’t quite what you imagined — too busy? too much pressure? — pause for a moment and reconnect with that initial instinct. It can show you the next evolutionary step in your entrepreneurial career.…

  • Tip Of The Week: The Magic Solution To The Parts Of Your Business You Don’t Like

    Entrepreneurs, by definition, are self-starters. They can create things without a lot of outside support, guidance, or structures. No wonder hiring can be so difficult for many entrepreneurs: It means trusting other people, spending money on them, rather than reverting to the most natural instinct – simply doing it yourself. But flip this thought around…