Author: The Strategic Coach Team
Quotable Coach: When Pressure Is Good For You
If you only set goals you know you can achieve, chances are the rewards will also be small, predictable, and not very exciting. But aim for something big, and you — and everyone else who’s involved — will have the feeling of doing something worthy and engaging. You’ll grow, and you’ll learn a new set…
How To Celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, November 17-23, 2014
Entrepreneurs are the single most powerful economic and creative force at work around the world — so as far as we’re concerned, every week is “global entrepreneurship week”! Still, we’re happy to join in the official celebrations for Global Entrepreneurship Week. It’s much more than an excuse for sending flowers (though, we like flowers) —…
Tip Of The Week: The First Step To Getting What You Want
Everything starts with vision. Vision makes it possible for the future to be different from the past. So until you’ve articulated the future you want, all you can really do is stumble forward into an approximation from the past — or into somebody else’s vision for you. You’re already full of dreams, desires, and ideas…
Quotable Coach: The Truth About Your Limitations
“I should feel confident about everything I do in my business.” That’s how a lot of entrepreneurs feel, and that “should” is a killer. It puts pressure and strain on you, and most of us human beings respond to that with avoidance, faking it, or covering it up. None of these tactics feels real or…
Happy 25th Anniversary To Us!
You might have caught the buzz that we’ve been celebrating 25 years of the Strategic Coach Program. But did you know that it was 25 years ago on this very day, November 13, 1989, that the first Strategic Coach workshop was launched? And, as they say, the rest is history. To all the amazing entrepreneurs…
Tip Of The Week: 25-Year Transformation One Bite At A Time
A “25-Year Transformation” is a great way to talk about a future full of breakthroughs that you and your team members can hardly imagine from where you are right now. To implement that transformation, though, create goals just for the next 90 days – goals that are a stretch, but still manageable. What should those…
Tip Of The Week: 25-Year Transformation One Bite At A Time
A “25-Year Transformation” is a great way to talk about a future full of breakthroughs that you and your team members can hardly imagine from where you are right now. To implement that transformation, though, create goals just for the next 90 days – goals that are a stretch, but still manageable. What should those…
Tip Of The Week: What Others Need To Support Your Goals
One of the biggest revelations for entrepreneurs is that moment when you realize leadership doesn’t mean telling other people what to do, or even how to do it. Instead, your biggest responsibility is to give them a vision of where you want to go. This works on so many levels. For you, personally, it’s probably…
Quotable Coach: Aim Beyond Passion
It’s great for people to be involved in projects that they’re excited about and personally “into.” But when people feel that what they’re doing has meaning — has a purpose — they’ll stick with it long after the excitement fades. Purpose sparks a deep sense of motivation and commitment because the task at hand doesn’t just…