Author: The Strategic Coach Team
The Best Marketing Strategy In The World
The best marketing strategy in the world is being referable: Your best clients and customers believe in you so strongly that they feel compelled to tell other people like them how great you are. So how do you make yourself referable? Whatever your business specializes in, referability always comes down to four basic habits: Show…
Quotable Coach: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past
Having something to look forward to has a profound impact on our sense of happiness, and more and more scientific studies suggest that the way we experience advancing age has an awful lot to do with our mindset.. A recent New York Times article describes an experiment in which elderly people were sent to live…
Make Your Goals For The Season Bright!
The end of the year is a natural time to try and integrate your past, present, and future. As always, though, it’s important to use these three time frames in a way that fills you with confidence and excitement instead of stressing you out. That’s why we all love and hate New Year’s resolutions: They…
Tip Of The Week: On Nostalgia And The Pain Of The Past
Nostalgia isn’t of much use to entrepreneurs. In fact, that second syllable of the word is telling, because it means pain (as in “neuralgia”). So if something from your past is giving you pain, choose to leave it there and not bring it into your future. You probably never want to hear that bureaucratic excuse…
Quotable Coach: Where Changemakers Come From
Many of the entrepreneurs in the Strategic Coach Program take the extra time, money, and abilities they’ve created in the Program and reinvest it into their community or in global causes that are important to them. Instead of standing by and thinking “someone should do something,” they have the contentment of knowing they’re someone who…
You Put The “Great” In Grateful
The holiday season can be fun, but it can also be busy, emotional, and stressful. In this video, Shannon Waller shares a strategy for shifting your focus anywhere, anytime to a mindset of gratitude—where you can really enjoy what’s great about what you’ve got. As Dan says, “What you appreciate appreciates.” [embedyt][/embedyt] [contentblock id=egtp-ebook]
Tip Of The Week: Why You Should Give Up The Past
Why should you give up the past? Because it’s already gone. As playwright Tony Kushner said, “The world only spins forward.” Since the future is coming anyway, embrace it, run with it, and decide to create something huge and wonderful there. If something specific in the past was important, distil what was important about that…
Quotable Coach: Why Are You Here?
“Why am I here? What’s it all about?” People often say these things with a laugh, like these questions are naïve or trite. But deep down, we all still want to know the answer, don’t we? Outside facts can change, and gurus can disappoint, so it’s really up to us to simply declare why we’re…
Learn The “Stuff-to-Energy” Transfer Technique
There are two ways to experience everything in life: as stuff or as energy. “Stuff” is everything that drains you, and “energy” is everything that fills you with enthusiasm and excitement. Both stuff and energy come in three forms: things, people, and thoughts. Things Certain activities in your life involve things—objects and other tangible details…
Tip Of The Week: 3 Ways To Create Value For Other People
In a recent episode of “The Apprentice UK,” the candidates were asked to design a piece of clothing, and one team had the bright idea of producing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “Buy This T-shirt.” Now, any real businessperson will immediately see what’s wrong with this picture: The slogan is focused entirely on the…