Author: The Strategic Coach Team

  • 10 Inspirational Quotes To Fuel Your Ambition And Success

    Dan Sullivan has been an entrepreneurial coach to thousands of business owners over the past 40 years. His workshops and conversations, as well as his own personal experience as the founder and president of an always growing company, have given him a solid understanding of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Among the…

  • 50 Great Reads: Dan Sullivan’s Reading List

    Dan Sullivan has been a great reader for much of his life—from poring over The Encyclopedia Britannica in the town library as a child, to studying The Great Books Of The World at St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD, to the many, many books he’s discovered or been introduced to in the years since. As…

  • Eight Advantages Of A 10x Mindset

    Eight Advantages Of A 10x Mindset

    The brain can’t do extraordinary things (like growing 10x); it can only do ordinary things. So, the way to accomplish extraordinary things is to make the extraordinary seem ordinary. Practice thinking about your future being 10x bigger and better, and you’ll develop a new 10x standard for viewing the world. This is a 10x Mindset,…

  • Five Ways To Attract Great Team Members

    Five Ways To Attract Great Team Members

    At some point, you’ll need other people to grow your business beyond a certain size. So how do you attract the right new team members to your business? The answer actually has less to do with them and a lot to do with you. As the one constant, central force behind your business, you set…

  • How To Get Ahead Of The Rest

    How To Get Ahead Of The Rest

    As you look ahead at the upcoming year, you’re undoubtedly focused on making it more prosperous, enjoyable, and successful. Here are some key things to remember that will help ensure you have the best year yet! [contentblock id=gs-pdf]

  • Do The “Stuff”-To-Energy Transfer

    A new year is a great opportunity to choose what gets to come into the future with you and what you want to leave behind. Which is which? One great way to decide is to look at what gives you energy and what’s just “stuff.” Certain relationships, activities, and even thoughts energize, excite, and motivate…

  • The Being Present Mindset

    It’s pretty easy these days to be in an almost-constant state of distraction, but this can prevent us from taking full advantage of every situation we find ourselves in. The Being Present Mindset is made up of five mental capabilities that, developed into habits, can multiply our results, increase our confidence, improve our relationships—and ensure…

  • How Would You Rate Your Ambition?

    How Would You Rate Your Ambition?

    Everything you experience in life is determined by your mindset. How you approach your work, how you communicate, how much you enjoy your achievements—all of these are shaped and directed by your thinking. That’s why we focus so much on mindset in the Strategic Coach Program. It’s central to everything we think, say, and do—yet…

  • The Four Qualities of Unique Ability

    The Four Qualities of Unique Ability

    At the heart of who you are lies the secret to your greatest success, best quality of life, and biggest contribution to the world. This is your Unique Ability — a special talent that always has these four qualities: Superior skill. You produce outstanding results with this talent. It’s so natural to you, you can’t…

  • How To Beat Perfectionism And Procrastination

    How To Beat Perfectionism And Procrastination

    The human brain is capable of extraordinary creativity and inventiveness. At the same time, it can work against itself in ways that leave many people feeling chronically guilty and dissatisfied. These negative feelings have their basis in the two mental habits of perfectionism and procrastination — perhaps the biggest contributors to a lack of confidence…