Month: June 2014

  • Tip Of The Week: The Talent-Based Leadership Company

    Delegate an activity that you don’t like or don’t do particularly well, and you give someone else the chance to apply their talents and take ownership of some small piece of your overall process. This new responsibility draws out their devotion and genius. Meanwhile, you get to concentrate on providing the “big picture” and doing…

  • Quotable Coach: Put “Who” Before “What” And “How”

    Quotable Coach: Put “Who” Before “What” And “How”

    Sell your team members on your “bigger future” vision, then stand back and let them use their talents and ingenuity to get you there. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by solutions that wouldn’t have occurred to you, and you’ll start imagining even bigger things—knowing that you can provide leadership and direction without having to figure out…

  • Summer Booklist: Leadership Reads

    Leadership is a big topic, and at some level, very personal. Here are four books that have strongly influenced my approach to leadership and strengthened my understanding, confidence, and capabilities. Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization By Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright I’ve long been inspired by this book—so much…

  • Tip Of The Week: What To Do With Obstacles

    People count on you for your ability to create solutions where they only see problems. You can teach your team members to do this, too, by helping them recognize that every obstacle can be transformed into new and better strategies, actions, and results. Give them the freedom to strategize—and only come to you with the…