Month: August 2014

  • Quotable Coach: Sometimes, You Climb A Tree

    Quotable Coach: Sometimes, You Climb A Tree

    Gary Klaben is a highly successful entrepreneur and one of our Associate Coaches, but before rejoining civilian life, he was part of a specialty branch of the U.S. Army. Out on exercises one day, his group found themselves completely lost. Comparing map and compass to the flat terrain just confused them more. So Gary asked…

  • The Spirit Of A Self-Managing Company: The Unique Ability® Team

    Imagine an organization that’s designed to bring out the very best of the unique talents, skills, and energy of everyone involved. This results-oriented company promotes inspirational ideas, has measurable goals, and encourages self-motivation and teamwork. Does this sound intriguing to you? At Strategic Coach, we strive to create a workplace where everyone does what they…

  • Tip Of The Week: Where To Find People Who Respect, Support, And Challenge You

    Some people are initially intimidated by the idea of being in a Strategic Coach workshop, imagining that the other entrepreneurs will judge them or try to steal their ideas. They quickly come to realize that everybody is there for their own personal and professional reasons, yet they’re also passionately committed to one anothers’ success. Your progress accelerates…

  • Quotable Coach: Why Pessimists Fail Twice While Optimists Leap Ahead

    Quotable Coach: Why Pessimists Fail Twice While Optimists Leap Ahead

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  • To Maximize, First Choose, Then Decide.

    What’s the difference? “Choose your future and then decide what part of the past gets to come along so you can maximize the present.” People often use the words “choose” and “decide” interchangeably, but this leads to confused thinking, because they actually mean very different things. Choosing is always related to the future. It comes…

  • Tip Of The Week: The Job Of An Entrepreneur

    As an entrepreneur, you’re never “finished.” While it’s important to measure your progress backwards from where you started (not against unachievable ideals), it’s vital to always be stretching and growing—creating an exciting future vision of how much more capable you will become. The best “experts” don’t stand still, but constantly challenge and expand their thinking—taking…

  • Quotable Coach: That “Thing” You Do

    Quotable Coach: That “Thing” You Do

    We all like the idea of being free to do our own thing, but how many people can really say what their “thing” is? Your Unique Ability® isn’t your job, your education, your business, your role, or any other outside descriptor of who you are or what you do. It’s the underlying talents and inner…

  • 4 Painfully Obvious Communication Strategies Everyone Forgets

    4 Painfully Obvious Communication Strategies Everyone Forgets

    It’s common to talk about the need to “improve our communication,” yet people often lack practical strategies or don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. Communication is much more than simply transferring information—it’s a dynamic, interactive process between people who each have unique and often very different perspectives. As you interact with your…

  • Tip Of The Week: Uncovering Instinctive Genius

    Every human being on the planet arrives with unique natural talents and instincts, and we’re always at our happiest and most productive when given a chance to use them. It may take some time and investigation to uncover someone’s instinctive genius—but it’s there. And if you’re the one who takes interest and provides a platform…

  • Quotable Coach: An Entrepreneur’s Greatest Contribution To The World

    Quotable Coach: An Entrepreneur’s Greatest Contribution To The World

    You can either be creating or complaining—but never both at the same time. As a human being, of course you’re going to have preferences that may not line up with the way things are. You can either be stopped by this and become an unhappy commentator, or you can use it as the raw material…