Month: May 2013

  • Finding The Unique EDGE: Backstage Pass With Jayne Stymiest

    Who says that when you graduate from university, you’ll immediately get a high-paying job in your chosen field? In reality, most of us in our early twenties are living paycheque-to-paycheque, trying to figure out what to do with that framed degree hanging on the wall. The pressure to make something of yourself as soon as…

  • The Laws of Lifetime Growth

    The Laws of Lifetime Growth

    At Strategic Coach, we talk a lot about growth, and it’s a theme you’ll see recurring through all our media aimed at entrepreneurs and others. Why? Why this imperative to grow? Sure, the market benefits when entrepreneurs extend themselves, but growth is important at a personal level too. Growth is simply the best way to…

  • Super Glue

    Brand identity. There is more information floating around the web on this topic than you can shake a stick at. I get it … it’s infinitely important to any organization. It lines up an entrepreneur’s vision of their company with how their team represents them in the marketplace and what their clients and customers come…

  • Scarcity vs. Abundance

    There are two predominant mindsets in the world competing for your attention: scarcity and abundance. Scarcity leaves you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and paralyzed; abundance makes you feel excited, motivated, and ready for action. Here’s how to recognize each of these mindsets, so you can choose abundance—the worldview that enables entrepreneurs to make the biggest difference.…